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Skills and Education

Strategic Priorities

Our skills and education priorities are driven by our Employers’ Skills and Education Board, who incorporate the functions of a Skills Advisory Panel.

The board oversee our strategic approach to skills and education to ensure longer term impact on business productivity as well as on individual learners.

Our vision is to be a healthy, sustainable, inclusive and growing region. We will build a better and more resilient future together recognising the changing landscape. We are operating in a new, digital, and innovative world and therefore the Cheshire and Warrington Skills and Education priorities are:

  1. Young People - Our employers will be at the heart of inspiring and informing people about future technologies, career pathways and learning so that they can make well-informed decisions about their futures.
  2. Employees - Employees will develop the skills and aptitudes that employers require to be able to grow, innovate and adopt digital. Highlighted skill gaps include amongst others green tech, life sciences, logistics, digital and STEM skills to support our key sectors.
  3. Economically Inactive and Unemployed – Those who are out of work will be helped to access employment; those who are threatened with unemployment will be helped to stay employed; and those furthest from the labour market will be helped to move closer to it. We will align national and local programmes, and local investment (where available), to secure maximum impact.

The Employers Skills and Education Board has ruthlessly pursued these priorities at pace through by the following actions:

M2M02-AccelerateCoursesEntry Level 1 ESOL

Skills and Education Priorities

Find out more about our skills and education priorities that set out the plans for how we work with businesses and training providers to ensure that our businesses have the skills they need to grow, and individuals have the skills they need to progress.

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Economically Inactive and Unemployed

Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington works with partners across Cheshire and Warrington to support individuals to progress into work or change their job roles.

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M2M02-AccelerateCoursesLevel 1 ICT

Data and Labour Market Information

In delivering these priorities, we will be inclusive, agile, deliver with pace and keep it simple. We will be data and labour market intelligence and stakeholder feedback driven, recognising the changing environment.

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Skills Bootcamps

Skills bootcamps are built around the needs of local employers’ and their supply chains and can help employers to fill vacancies and grow the skills of their workforce.

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Digital Skills Partnership

The Digital Skills Partnership is a group of employers and other organisation who recognise the growing importance of digital skills to all the businesses and residents of Cheshire and Warrington.

Cheshire and Warrington Digital Skills Partnership
M2M02 Digital Skills Partnership

The Pledge Partnership

The Pledge Partnership enables businesses to work together with educators to provide every young person living, studying and/or working in Cheshire and Warrington with everything they need to succeed in the world of work.

The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge
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